Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wow! How time has flown by!

It seems as though just yesterday the Marketing Team was trying to decide on a product for this year's marketing plan, now just second later we are getting ready for the National NAMA Convention and Marketing Team Competition.

This spring has been a busy one! Working tirelessly on the marketing plan, attending professional meetings and holding the annual spring banquet. We just had the Annual NAMA Banquet last sunday. This was a fantastic evening that gave parents, friends, and Iowa State University faculty the opportunity to learn more about Iowa State NAMA.

The highlights of the evening included a presentation by the marketing team, a year-in-review slideshow, and 2009-2010 officer installations. The evening concluded with member awards being presented by the club advisors and a delicious meal.

A week from now we will be in Atlanta, GA, taking part in the NAMA National Convention.
Wish us luck!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wow! What a crazy fall it has been thus far, especially for the Iowa State University NAMA Chapter. In addition to monthly meetings and socials the club has been busy attending Iowa Professional NAMA Meetings, taking industry tours, and completing community service activities.

On October 17, six members of the student chapter and one adviser traveled to Des Moines for the Iowa Professional NAMA Meeting. In addition to enjoying lunch and networking with various industry representative the students of ISU NAMA presented during the luncheon. During the presentation officers presented a "2007-2008 Year in Review" as well as discussed the goals they established for the 2008-2009 academic school year. The group also proposed various ways in which the professional chapter could aid the student chapter, and vice versa.

This was the second Professional Meeting of the year, the first being held in mid-September at Channel Bio in Huxley, Iowa. Iowa State NAMA also had a successful showing at this meeting, taking 12 members, many of them freshman. One of our goals for this year is to be more involved with the Iowa Professional Chapter and feel as though attending these meetings is a great way to develop relationships while having fun!

Just last Saturday, October 25, nine members of the ISU NAMA club traveled to Huxley, Iowa, again, this time to participate in a community service event organized by a Huxley community group. Members spent the morning weatherizing houses in the community in preparation for the harsh Iowa winter that's quickly approaching. Putting plastic over windows and caulking around doors was the perfect Saturday morning activity and it felt good doing something good for someone else. To say it was all work and no play would be a lie, as there was plenty of fun had by all!

Keep reading for the latest happenings of ISU NAMA and be sure to post any questions or comments-- we'd love to hear from you!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Welcome to the Iowa State University Student NAMA Blog!
Here you will be able to keep up with NAMA members, read about various club activities, and stay informed about the NAMA marketing team.